Special Session: Applied Mathematics in AI
A special issue in applied mathematics related to machine learning would likely include articles focusing on the mathematical foundations and different techniques used in various machine learning algorithms, as well as their impact into the real-world problems. This could include topics such as optimization, features extraction, features selection, statistical learning theory, deep learning, reinforcement learning, game theory, cypersecurity, and graphical representation….
The articles may also tackle challenges and limitations of current state of the arts related to machine learning and propose new approaches from mathematics to overcome them.
Our special session will be more interested in seeing how we can create new mathematical models that were inspired from unsolved conjectures and from Nature to tackle and solve challenges in Computer sciences.
Aims and Scope
The recommended topics include, but are not limited to the following:
- Data mining and knowledge discovery;
- Data Management with AI
- Feature Selection and Feature extraction
- Data Fusion & Knowledge Discovery
- Imbalanced Datasets
- Feature Reduction techniques
- Pattern recognition and prediction
- Novel clustering techniques for datasets
- Use of AI in Digital Image Processing
- AI and machinelearning in signal processing
- AI in mobile and modern wireless networks
- Satellite communication and AI
- Defense systems in the age of AI
- AI for energy efficient systems
- AI-enabled biomedical engineering
- AI in health sciences
- AI in Oil and Gas Sector
- Regression and forecasting for medical and/or biomedical signals
- AI for precision medicine
- Recent advancements and Applications in AI
- AI in decision making and policy making
- AI towards Automation
- Challenges and limitation in AI and future prospective of AI in general
- Cybersecurity
Guest Editor
Samir Brahim Belhaouari
Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar
Paper Submission for Special Sessions
Please send your manuscript files and any supporting documents by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Announcement of Upcoming Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics
Title of the Book: The 8th International Arab Conference on Mathematics and Computations (IACMC 2023)
IACMC 2023, Zarqa, Jordan, May 2023
The proceedings proposal of IACMC 2023 will be submitted to Springer for a possible publication
The vision of this book is to establish prototypes in completed, current and future mathematical and applied sciences research from advanced and developing countries. The book is intended to make an intellectual contribution to the theory and practice of mathematics. In addition to invited chapters, this book will include selected quality full papers from the 8th International Arab Conference on Mathematics and Computations (IACMC 2023). IACMC 2023 is a refereed conference emphasizing on different topics of mathematics related to mathematical and applied sciences. Although many of the chapters may focus on a specific framework of research, this book will look for rigorous, original and creative contributions that communicate across multiple subfields of mathematics. We believe that Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics is one of the most appropriate outlets for the publication of research related with this topic. Thus, this book as a first in the fields of mathematical and applied sciences makes a unique and valuable contribution in flashing more theory building and future research on such topics.
Potential Research Themes
The book invites contributions in a broad range of mathematical and applied sciences, using different methodological techniques from different research models. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Applied mathematics
- Pure mathematics
- Numerical mathematics
- Applied statistics
- Applied probability and statistics
- Bioinformatics and biomathematics
- Mathematics applied to engineering and management
Schedule and deadlines
- Full Paper Submission Deadline: 20 March 2023.
- Conference Dates: 10-12 May 2023.
- Publication Date December 2023 (Tentative).
Review Process
Each contribution submitted to this book is subject to the following review procedures:
- Two reviewers will be selected for a double-blind review process.
- Based on the reviewers’ recommendation, the guest editors will decide whether the particular submission should be accepted as it is, revised and re-submitted, or rejected.
General submission guidelines for authors can also be found here
Important downloads for authors |
Proceedings Editors
- Aliaa Burqan, Zarqa University, Jordan.
- Rania Saadeh, Zarqa University, Jordan.
- Ahmad Qazza, Zarqa University, Jordan.
- Osama Ababneh, Zarqa University, Jordan.
- Juan C. Cortés, Universitat Politécnica de València, Spain.
- Kai Diethelm, University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt, Germany.
- Dia Zeidan, German Jordanian University, Jordan
Further Information
For inquiries specifically related to this book, please email the corresponding editor Dia Zeidan at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.