Important Note: the Hotel Reservations for IACMC2019 participation must be made in advance directly with the hotels by using this email :
هذا البريد محمى من المتطفلين. تحتاج إلى تشغيل الجافا سكريبت لمشاهدته.
Kindly, fill the email subject by : Zarqa university-IACMC2019
with the hotel name ( Grand Palace Hotel or Regency Palace Amman),
and you need to fill up the date of arrival and departure with the complete names of the residents as in the passport.
Regarding the airport transfer pick up to the hotel : you need just tell us about the date of your arrival and It is a great pleasure for us to welcome you and pick you up at the hotel.
The Recommended Hotels are as follow:
Grand Palace Hotel
Queen Alya Street P.O.Box 922 444
Amman 11192, Jordan
Tel. +962 6 56 91 13 1
Fax.+962 6 56 95 14 3
Reservations: هذا البريد محمى من المتطفلين. تحتاج إلى تشغيل الجافا سكريبت لمشاهدته.
Regency Palace
Amman +962 6 560 7000
Reservations: هذا البريد محمى من المتطفلين. تحتاج إلى تشغيل الجافا سكريبت لمشاهدته.