Author instructions

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Please note:  Each paper must have at least one author participating in the reviewing process in order to be published in the proceedings.


Review Presses:
All submissions will be peer reviewed.
1. Complete the registration by Create a user account from here.
2. Upload  the abstract.
In order to assist with the review/editing of abstracts, please carefully observe the following formatting and style conventions:
•   Abstracts should be written in English.
•    The name of the author who will give the talk should be underlined.
•    Abstract should be no more than 500 words. Min 200 words without references.
•    Your text shouldn’t be included more than 8 references.
•    Abstracts should be written as in the template.
Abstract Template File
1. Wait for the review results
2. If accepted upload your complete paper
3. Wait for the review results
4. After getting the Acceptance Notification from the conference committee, kindly resubmit the paper.
5. Prepare your manuscript according to Paper Format  as follow:
6.  All submitted articles should be previously unpublished, original research results, experimental, or theoretical. Articles submitted to the conference should meet the criteria and must not be considered for publication elsewhere.
Thanks for your interest in   (IACMC2019)  .

Review Presses:

All submissions will be peer reviewed.
1. Complete the registration by Create a user account from here.

2. Upload  the abstract.In order to assist with the review/editing of abstracts, please carefully observe the following formatting and style conventions:

•   Abstracts should be written in English.

•    The name of the author who will give the talk should be underlined.

•    Abstract should be no more than 500 words. Min 200 words without references.

•    Your text shouldn’t be included more than 8 references.

•    Abstracts should be written as in the template.   Abstract Template File 

1. Wait for the review results

2. If accepted upload your complete paper

3. Wait for the review results

4. After getting the Acceptance Notification from the conference committee, kindly resubmit the paper.

5. Prepare your manuscript according to Paper Format  as follow:
MS-Word   Latex
6.  All submitted articles should be previously unpublished, original research results, experimental, or theoretical. Articles submitted to the conference should meet the criteria and must not be considered for publication elsewhere.

Thanks for your interest in   (IACMC 2019)  .