Scope of the Conference

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Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

- Algebraic Geometry

- Algebraic Topology

- Approximation Theory

- Calculus of Variations

- Category Theory; Homological Algebra

- Coding Theory

- Combinatorics

- Control Theory

- Cryptology, Geometry

- Difference and Functional Equations

- Discrete Mathematics

- Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory

- Field Theory and Polynomials

- Fluid Mechanics and Solid Mechanics

- Fourier Analysis

- Functional Analysis

- Functions of a Complex Variable

- Fuzzy Mathematics

- Game Theory

- General Algebraic Systems

- Graph Theory

- Group Theory and Generalizations

- Image Processing, Signal Processing and Tomography

- Information Fusion

- Integral Equations

- Lattices, Algebraic Structures

- Linear and Multilinear Algebra; Matrix Theory

- Mathematical Biology and Other Natural Sciences

- Mathematical Economics and Financial Mathematics

- Mathematical Physics

- Measure Theory and Integration

- Neutrosophic Mathematics

- Number Theory

- Numerical Analysis

- Operations Research, Optimization

- Operator Theory

- Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations

- Potential Theory

- Real Functions

- Rings and Algebras

- Statistical Mechanics, Structure Of Matter

- Topological Groups,

- Wavelets and Wavelet Transforms